jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

The day of Today!

Today in my radiation diary ¨;) i received my Gm-45 geiger counter for truth due to that i am an american child living in colombia isn't really easy to these things because first i had to get my permit to have radiation items and then i had to get another one from colombia and ignominas and it took so much time that i cant believe that it finally got to me.
well in other news i will like to ask people that are interested in my experiments should get in tuned with my youtube channel in about a week for a wave of new clips using the GM-45.
but you may be asking about what is a GM-45 right? well it is a geiger counter not any type of geiger counter like the gamma scout or the drsb-88 but this one is special due to that it can reed A.B.Y.X radiation and for the reading the geiger counter connects itself to a computer and with a special program called rad i can read radiation in various measurements like cpm, uR/h, mR/h, cps etc.
but well so stay tuned because this is about to get on fire!

sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

My interest

My interest:
well this is very straight forward due to that I share a common interest to people with radioactivity. I love science especially earth science and chemistry but while I was in school this year I started to like radioactivity as my new common interest. why do I like it? i do not really know. but what I know is that I love it and im not leaving it for a long time.
I am a person that is really against harmful radiation and against nuclear energy unless if it is guaranteed to be safe and will not cause any harm to anyone and anything. I will wish one thing in this moment and it will be that chernobyl never happened and that radioactivity wouldn't be harmful. I believe that having a collection like mine has its benefits and more benefits because having me as a student to the world I was able to open my eyes and see all of the problems that these elements are causing. thats why I say "green planet".